A Letter from Ms. Casey
Dear Parents and Guardians of the pupils in our school,
It has been so lovely to touch base with you during the past 2 weeks. Teachers have been ringing homes to see how everybody is doing and I have spoken to about 50 parents myself. The great news is that, as a school community, everyone we spoke to is well. Children can’t wait to see their teachers and we can’t wait to see you. We had great chats and realise that all of us are dealing with the same issues, whether it’s looking after children or elderly family members, feeling we will never get out again to have a cup of coffee and a chat or for many of us praying that the hairdresser will reopen before too long!!!
Our team of teachers continue to set work on a weekly basis. Your positive feedback on the phone has been very reassuring for us. Almost every pupil in the school is engaging with the work at some level. As most of you said, the most important thing for you and for us, is the wellbeing of those in our care. This is no time for feeling guilty. So no, we will not be sending you an endless list of ‘helpful tips’. Every one of you knows what works best in your home. No child should be overwhelmed by work being set by teachers. Do a lot or do just a little. When schools reopen, I want to see every pupil skip through the front gate, hopefully not having been touched by the virus. No primary school child’s education will suffer because of this time out of school. We will catch up on the prescribed curriculum but children will be returning to us with newly acquired skills, life skills which strengthen us for the future.
We hope to take on See saw in the coming weeks. Our IT team are working behind the scenes to set the process in train. This will allow pupils send some work to their teachers and receive feedback.
As our 6th class pupils are probably aware by now, Archbishop Martin has informed all parishes that no Confirmations will take place in the diocese during this school year. I know that this is a huge disappointment for you all as we look forward to this special day in the school calendar annually. Lots of preparation has been done and you will all get a day to show off your style!!
It’s the !st of May today, the first day of summer in the Irish calendar and the beginning of a long weekend. I hope that by now you have felt the sun on your face and heard the sweetness of birdsong. Children, take a rest this weekend. Ovid, a Roman poet said a long, long time ago ‘Take a rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop’.
Finally, to one and all I leave you with a wish taken from ‘Winnie the Pooh’
I wish you:
‘Comfort on difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the clouds.
Laughter to kiss your lips,
Sunsets to warm your heart,
Hugs when spirits sag,
Beauty for your eyes to see.’
Stay safe everyone. A big hug to all our parents on the frontline.
Warmest wishes,
Geraldine Casey