A Message from Fr. Binoy about Confirmation

Greetings from the Parish office.
I hope you are all well and you are looking after yourselves. I want assure you that you are in our daily prayers and Masses.
For those who have been preparing for the Sacraments of First Confession & Holy Communion and Confirmation we have an update for you!
As instructed by the Archbishop’s office, there will be no celebrations of the Sacraments for 2nd and 6th Class children in the months of May and June.
Again, in the parish, I believe that the summer months are not a suitable time for these celebrations. Therefore, I hope that we can celebrate these sacraments in the first term of the next academic year in our parishes if we are allowed to return to our parish churches for prayers and gatherings.
The parish will work together with the parents and schools where possible and in all other cases (non-Catholic schools) the parish will directly organise with the parents. The details of all these need to be worked out when the restrictions are lifted. I will be in touch with you.
I share your disappointment, but keeping safe in these difficult days must be our priority.
With prayerful wishes,
Fr. Binoy Mathew sv