A Message from Our Church

Greetings from the priests of the Huntstown, Mountivew & Blakstown.
I trust you are all keeping well and invoke the protection of Our Lord on you and your family these challenging days.
In view of the restrictions imposed by the Government, we are unable to hold any public worship in our local churches. We do not know how long it will take us to go back to kind of life we used to cherish.
In a couple of weeks we will be celebrating the most important feast of our faith, Easter. It is unlikely that we will be able to gather in our churches for various celebrations of the Holy Week.
In order to remain connected with the local parish and faith community, we have a church webcam from St. Philip’s Church, Mountivew which can be viewed via www.mountviewblakestownparish.ie
The site gives daily updates and live mass:
Monday to Friday 9.15am & 7.30.pm;
Saturday 10am & Sunday 10.30am.
All other times we have the exposition of the Eucharist going live.
Again we also have a parish WhatsApp Broadcast group and if you wish to be part of it please send a WhatsApp message to 0892174317 requesting you to be added to it. Your privacy will not be compromised.
Again, all the celebrations of the our Sacraments are postponed to a later date. We will be in touch with you to update any possible dates.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers very much. Please share the parish website and WhatsApp broadcast group number with your friends n family.
All the priests of the parish are always at your service. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if u require any help.
Blessings to you and your loved ones in these days.
With prayerful wishes ,
Fr. Binoy Mathew svd