February Newsletter
Notes for Parents
New furniture: We are delighted to announce that we have now secured new desks and chairs for our 3rd and 4th classes. Funding was not granted for all classes at this point in time unfortunately, but we will apply again for 5th and 6th classes later in the year.
Yard games: We have ordered new board games for our school yard to cater for pupils who many not wish to play football. Our aim is to make the yard a more interactive, fun place for all.
Helping out in the school: As always, we welcome any support from parents in school/sporting activities. If you are in a position to offer such help, please speak to Vivienne, the school secretary, who will guide you through the Garda vetting process.
Attendance: Attendance is monitored very closely in the school. As you know, pupils are rewarded for excellent attendance and we have introduced a new weekly raffle to further encourage good attendance. We request that pupils attend school before and after medical appointments, if possible.
As you are aware, the school is obliged to inform Túsla (The Child & Family Agency) if a pupil is absent from school for 20 days or more.
Uniform/Tracksuit: Please ensure that your child is wearing their full uniform (including tie) or tracksuit on the correct days. Parental support on this is greatly appreciated as it helps to foster a sense of unity and pride in our school.
Website: Please check our website www.stphilps.ie regularly for updates.
Internet Safety: As always, we ask that parents be vigilant about internet safety and we encourage you to check out www.webwise.ie for advice on cyber safety.
Confirmation Notices
The Confirmation Ceremony will take place in St. Philip’s Church on Thursday, May 24th, 2018.
Retreats will take place on 23rd April, 30th April and 14th May in Huntstown.
Ongoing Activities
Swimming lessons are now well underway for 3rd classes.
4th classes are enjoying Tin Whistle and Irish Dancing lessons.
Some of our 4th class pupils will also be going on a tour of the Glanmore Foods factory next week.
Training has started for Athletics and Gaelic and we look forward to another exciting sporting season ahead.
Upcoming Events
The school Book Fair will be taking place shortly. More information to follow.
Peace Proms: Congratulations to the school choir on their wonderful performance at the Peace Proms in the RDS on February 4th. Many thanks to Mrs. Hughes & Mrs. Keane for organising this super event. Thanks also to all the parents & grandparents who came along on the night to support us.
The pupils will be going home at 12 noon this Friday, February 23rd to facilitate staff training in new Child Protection procedures.
St. Patrick’s Weekend Closed Monday, March 19th
Easter Holidays Closing Friday, March 23rd. Reopening Monday, April 9th (Closed for 2 weeks)
May Break Closed Monday, May 7th to Friday, May 11th inclusive (Closed for 1 week)
Summer Closing Friday, June 29th
Paula Dargan (Principal)