February Newsletter
Thank you for your attendance at the recent parent-teacher meetings. If for any reason you were unable to attend, please contact the school office to arrange an alternative appointment.
The Confirmation Ceremony will take place in St. Philip’s Church on Thursday, May 26th, 2016.
Special Confirmation Masses are being held for pupils receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in St. Philip’s Church at 10.30 a.m. on the following Sundays: February 28th, March 6th, 13th and 27th (Easter Sunday), April 17th and May 8th.
The Confirmation Programme begins on Wednesday, February 24th and will continue on March 2nd, 9th and 16th.
All Confirmation pupils are expected to attend.
Congratulations to the school choir on their wonderful performance at the Peace Proms in the RDS on February 6th. Many thanks to Mrs. Hughes & Mrs. Keane for organising this event. Thanks also to all the parents & grandparents who came along on the night to support us.
Attendance is monitored very closely in the school. As you know, pupils are rewarded for excellent attendance.
Please remember that your child should be in school every day, except in cases of illness, medical appointments or family emergencies.
Pupils are expected to be in school before and after medical appointments if possible.
As you are aware the school is obliged to inform Túsla (The Child & Family Agency) if a pupil is absent from school for 20 days or more.
The school Book Fair will take place from March 8th – 14th.
A reminder to ensure that your child is wearing their full uniform (including tie) or tracksuit on the correct days. It’s great to see all pupils so well turned out.
Our new school website will be launched shortly. Full details to follow.
As always, we ask that parents be vigilant about internet safety and encourage you to check out www.webwise.ie, an internet resource for parents & children.
Swimming lessons are now well underway for 3rd classes. 4th classes are enjoying Tin Whistle and Irish Dancing lessons. Training has also started for Athletics, Camogie and Gaelic.
March 15th is Proclamation Day. We will be marking this day with a concert to celebrate all things Irish. It promises to be a great day. Come along & join us. Beidh fáilte mór romhaibh.
February Mid-term Break
The school will be closed on Thursday & Friday, February 18th & 19th for mid-term break.
General Election
The school will be closed on Friday, February 26th to facilitate polling for the General Election.
Easter Holidays
School is closed from Thursday, March 17th to Friday, April 1st inclusive. We will reopen on Monday, April 4th at 9 a.m.
May Break
The school will be closed on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, May 2nd, 3rd & 4th.
June Break
The school will be closed on Friday 3rd and on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, June 6th, 7th & 8th.
Paula Dargan (Principal)