January ’17 Newsletter
As you may be aware, Dave Jones, our esteemed caretaker, who has served this school so diligently over the past 35 years, is retiring on Friday, January 27th. We will be marking this occasion on the day, with a farewell ceremony in the school hall from 11 a.m. to approximately 12.30 p.m. You are welcome to attend this ceremony and to join us afterwards for some light refreshments.
Contact details:
If you have recently changed your mobile number, please let the school know as soon as possible.
3rd class swimming lessons:
Started this week and will continue for the next 7 weeks, on Tuesdays.
If you still have money outstanding for school books, please contact the school office to finalise payment.
If you wish to speak to the Principal or a teacher, please call the office to arrange an appointment.
There’s great excitement this week as auditions are being held for our ‘Stars in their Eyes’ show which will take place in the school on Friday, March 31st at 7 p.m.
Tickets will cost €7 and will be available from the school at a later date.
If you are in a position to sponsor a raffle prize, please let us know. We would be very grateful for
any support.
We remind parents that school opens to receive pupils at 9 a.m. No responsibility is accepted for pupils arriving before the official opening time of the school. This also applies to pupils attending the breakfast club who leave the hall early and go out to the yard.
Jewellery, other than a watch, is not allowed in school. Earrings are NOT allowed.
School tracksuit:
To be worn only on PE days and on days when children are involved in sporting activities.
School website:
Keep an eye on www.stphilips.ie for up to date information on school activities.
Huge congratulations to Mr. Campbell’s class who took part in the Primary Science Fair at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition in the RDS last Thursday. 51 pupils travelled to support them on the day and attended several very interesting science workshops. Check out their project on the school main corridor and read the adjudicator’s glowing report. We are very proud of their achievement.
Thank you,
Paula Dargan