13th June 2017
June Newsletter

Huge congratulations to all the pupils who made their Confirmation recently. They conducted themselves beautifully throughout the ceremony and Monsignor O’Connor was full of praise for them.
The final session of the ‘You Shall be My Witness’ programme will take place in St. Philip’s church on Wednesday, June 14th at 1.30 p.m. All parents of the pupils are invited to attend.
Huge congratulations to all the pupils who made their Confirmation recently. They conducted themselves beautifully throughout the ceremony and Monsignor O’Connor was full of praise for them.
The final session of the ‘You Shall be My Witness’ programme will take place in St. Philip’s church on Wednesday, June 14th at 1.30 p.m. All parents of the pupils are invited to attend.
Sports Day/Fun Day will take place over 2 days – Thursday, June 15th and Friday, June 16th. School tracksuits should be worn on both days.
Sports Day/Fun Day will take place over 2 days – Thursday, June 15th and Friday, June 16th. School tracksuits should be worn on both days.
Our Awards’ ceremony will take place on Thursday, June 22nd at 1 p.m. in the school hall. All parents are cordially invited to attend.
Our 6th class Graduation Ceremony will take place in the school hall on Tuesday, June 27th at 9.15 a.m. All parents are invited to attend. We wish these pupils all the best in their secondary schools, where we are sure they will do very well.
Many thanks to all who contributed to our sponsored walk. The sum of €4000 was raised.
All money raised will help to provide additional educational materials and experiences for our pupils.
Many thanks to all who contributed to our sponsored walk. The sum of €4000 was raised.
All money raised will help to provide additional educational materials and experiences for our pupils.
The 5th class pupils attended the W5 Science Workshop at the Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown on Monday, June 12th.
The 5th class pupils attended the W5 Science Workshop at the Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown on Monday, June 12th.
Check out www.helpmykidlearn.ie for ideas to help your child with literacy and numeracy activities over the summer. We would also strongly recommend reading with your child and regular visits to the library. Remember ‘Books Feed Brains!’
Check out www.helpmykidlearn.ie for ideas to help your child with literacy and numeracy activities over the summer. We would also strongly recommend reading with your child and regular visits to the library. Remember ‘Books Feed Brains!’
Under new regulations, all parents who help out in the school are required to be Garda vetted. We hugely value and rely on the involvement of parents to run many of our school activities – library, Maths for Fun, Paired Reading, etc. If you are in a position to help out, please contact the school for more information.
Under new regulations, all parents who help out in the school are required to be Garda vetted. We hugely value and rely on the involvement of parents to run many of our school activities – library, Maths for Fun, Paired Reading, etc. If you are in a position to help out, please contact the school for more information.
Booklists will be given to all pupils next week. These books can be rented through the school during the first week in September. We would ask that all parents ensure that there is a definite arrangement in place to pay for their children’s books so that valuable learning time is not lost and that work can begin promptly in September.
Booklists will be given to all pupils next week. These books can be rented through the school during the first week in September. We would ask that all parents ensure that there is a definite arrangement in place to pay for their children’s books so that valuable learning time is not lost and that work can begin promptly in September.
End of year reports will be sent out later in the month. If you do not receive your child’s school report, please contact the school office. It is important to note any advice given by your child’s teacher that will further support his/her education over the summer and in the next school year.
End of year reports will be sent out later in the month. If you do not receive your child’s school report, please contact the school office. It is important to note any advice given by your child’s teacher that will further support his/her education over the summer and in the next school year.
The school uniform & tracksuit can be bought in Mr. Price in the Blanchardstown Centre or from other outlets such as Dunnes, Penneys, Marks & Spencer, etc. Many thanks for all your support with uniforms throughout the year. A plain navy tracksuit with a red polo shirt is acceptable.
The school uniform & tracksuit can be bought in Mr. Price in the Blanchardstown Centre or from other outlets such as Dunnes, Penneys, Marks & Spencer, etc. Many thanks for all your support with uniforms throughout the year. A plain navy tracksuit with a red polo shirt is acceptable.
If you have any queries during the summer holidays please contact the school by email (address at top of newsletter). Emails will be checked regularly and your query will be dealt with as promptly as possible.
If you have any queries during the summer holidays please contact the school by email (address at top of newsletter). Emails will be checked regularly and your query will be dealt with as promptly as possible.
Under the Department of Education’s Summer Works Scheme, we are delighted to announce that the school has been granted a full replacement of doors and windows which will be taking place during the summer holidays. .
Under the Department of Education’s Summer Works Scheme, we are delighted to announce that the school has been granted a full replacement of doors and windows which will be taking place during the summer holidays. .
The school will close on Friday, June 30th at 12 noon for summer holidays. We will be reopening on Thursday, August 31st at 9 a.m.
The school will close on Friday, June 30th at 12 noon for summer holidays. We will be reopening on Thursday, August 31st at 9 a.m.
Sincere thanks to all of you for your support and co-operation over the past year. I hope you have a relaxing summer break and we look forward to seeing your children back here on August 31st
Paula Dargan (Principal)