4th November 2016
November ’16 Newsletter

Mr. Campbell’s 5th class Science project has been accepted for the Primary Science Fair at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition, which will be held in January. This is a wonderful achievement and we look forward to seeing them there.
Ms. Flynn’s 4th class had a fabulous day out recently when they visited the Army Veteran Centre in Arbour Hill and also McKee Barracks. Sincere thanks to the two parents, Daren Murphy and Paul McQuillan, who organised this great trip.
Ms. Loughnane’s 5th class visited Áras an Uachtaráin last month when President Higgins was receiving the President of Cyprus. They had the opportunity to witness the military parade, the gun salutes, the Air Corps flyover and the tree planting ceremony. A great day was had by all.
Keep an eye on the school website – www.stphilips.ie – to get a flavour of these events.
Quiz Teams:
We congratulate our quiz teams, under the guidance of Ms. Lynn & Mr. Reilly, who represented us so well recently on Phoenix FM.
Cricket Workshops are now well underway for our 4th classes.
A reminder that all pupils are now in receipt of an early morning snack from Glanmore foods, in addition to a lunch. It may not be necessary therefore to provide your child with additional food.
Parents are reminded that cars should not be parked on the Shelerin Road when dropping children to school or when collecting them.
Collecting children:
Parents are asked not to collect children from school early, unless it is absolutely necessary, as it is very disruptive to the school day. If you are collecting your child, please call to the school office to do so.
All parents are asked to check in at the office when visiting the school. If you wish to see a teacher, the secretary will arrange an appointment.
Helping your child:
We would encourage you to check out www.helpmykidlearn.ie for some enjoyable activities, in which parents and their children can engage.
Board of Management:
Andrea Airoldi and Daren Murphy have been elected as the new Parents’ Nominees to the Board of Management. We wish them well as they join the Board to work on behalf of the school.
Wet mornings:
For insurance reasons pupils cannot be taken into the school before 9 a.m. Please bear this in mind, especially on wet mornings. Please make sure that your child has appropriate rain gear, hat, umbrella and wellingtons (if possible) on wet mornings.
School Tracksuits:
School tracksuits can only be worn on PE days or when your child is involved in school sporting activities.
Parents are reminded to be very vigilant about the video games children are playing and to ensure that all such games are well supervised and age appropriate.
Anti-Bullying Week:
Our annual anti-bullying week is taking place this week and children are involved in a variety of activities related to the prevention of bullying. Pupils in 5th & 6th classes will attend a cyber bullying workshop on Tuesday. We would encourage you to use this opportunity to talk to your child about the issues raised during the week.
P. Dargan