October Newsletter
October Newsletter
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and safe Hallowe’en and midterm break.
The school will be closed for midterm break from Monday, October 26th to Friday, October 30th inclusive (one week).
On Friday pupils will be allowed to wear appropriate Hallowe’en costumes to school. If your child wishes to dress up, please send in €1 with him/her. This money will be used to fund buses and educational workshops. If your child is not dressing up he/she MUST wear their school uniform.
There is still some payment outstanding for books. If you have not already been in contact to arrange a phased payment, please contact the school office this week.
Any outstanding contributions for Art & Craft and Photocopying should also be sorted out this week.
If you do not receive occasional text messages from the school could you please contact us with your mobile number. Please inform the school if you have recently changed your contact numbers as it is important that you are contactable at all times in case of an accident/illness.
We are proud that we are now flying our Active School Flag. Many thanks to everybody for all their hard work in helping us to achieve this honour and particular thanks to Ms. Flynn and the Active School Crew.
All pupils are now receiving a healthy school lunch from Glanmore Foods. If you wish to change your child’s order you can do this by going on to the website with your own unique code. If you are having problems doing this, just phone Glanmore Foods and they will talk you through the process. Tours to Glanmore will be organised during the year.
All pupils are encouraged to join the excellent facilities of Blanchardstown Library. It is our intention that all classes will visit the library at some stage this year.
Congratulations to our new Student Council who were elected by their classmates. They represented the school very well at the official presentation of the national flag by the Defence Forces in September.
Our congratulations to the newly elected Parents’ Association who represent the interests of the parent body of both schools. Best wishes to all involved as they set about their good work.
A meeting was held in the school hall on Tuesday evening to elect two parent nominees to the new Board of Management. It was agreed that Nathalie Sheridan and Gerry Priestly would continue in their present role for another school year.
The 5th classes enjoyed a super music technology workshop recently. It is hoped to have similar workshops in the future.
Huge congratulations to all pupils who took part in the Construction Competition. There were 86 entries in all and the standard was really fantastic which made the job of the adjudication panel very difficult indeed. Our overall winner was Jenson Reid from 4th class. First prize in each class level went to: 3rd class – Adam Lynch, 4th class – Arijus Buzas, 5th class – Erika Larkin and 6th class – Iftin Hassan. The following pupils were highly commended: Patricia Joskaudaite, Tori O’Rourke, Alisha Lozinchi, Ruby Deegan, Alex Flanagan, Caitlin Murphy and Danielle McKinley. If you would like to view the entries, you are welcome to do so on Friday morning from 9 – 9.30 a.m.
An audit of the school’s Child Protection Policy, Anti-Bullying Policy and of all the rules & regulations required by the Department of Education & Skills was carried out in October and all was found to be in order.
20 children from the school will be attending the FAI Respect Soccer Tournament in Corduff this Thursday.
Congratulations to staff member Ms. Caroline Harrison who recently gave birth to a baby boy.
Paula Dargan (Principal)