September Newsletter
September Newsletter
I would like to welcome you all, particularly our new 3rd classes, back to another school year and I look forward to working with you and your children again.
We ask you to ensure that every effort is made to have your child’s books organised as quickly as possible. If you need to arrange a phased payment, please talk to the class teacher, the school office or Mrs. Tighe.
Please make sure that your child has all the basic equipment necessary for school – pens, pencils, copies, etc.
Any outstanding contributions for art & crafts and photocopying should be sent to the school this week.
The school must always be informed about a child’s absence, preferably through a note in the homework journal. The Education Welfare Board must be informed if a child is absent regularly.
A reminder to parents that children who leave school before the normal closing time (2.40 p.m.) must be signed out at the secretary’s office. Time missed due to late arrival or early departure will be recorded as part of attendance records.
Mobile phones may only be brought to school for emergency purposes and must be turned off and handed up to the teacher during class time. The teacher must always be informed if a pupil has to bring in a mobile phone.
Jewellery (other than a watch) must not be worn in school for safety reasons. Earrings are not allowed.
We ask that all pupils comply with our healthy eating policy. Our application for new school lunches has been granted so all pupils will now receive an individual lunch from Glanmore Foods. Lunch boxes must be used to store all lunches and to bring home empty cartons, etc.
All pupils must use the lollipop ladies or traffic lights when crossing the road.
Pupils in 5th & 6th classes are allowed to cycle to school, provided that they live at least 2km from the school. Bicycles must be locked in the bicycle shed and walked into the school from the lollipop ladies for safety reasons. Pupils in 3rd & 4th classes are not allowed to bring bicycles to school under any circumstances. The school does not accept any responsibility for bicycles.
School tracksuits are available from Mr. Price in the Blanchardstown Centre and should be worn with a red polo shirt. Pupils are only permitted to wear tracksuits on PE days or if involved in swimming/mini leagues.
An open night and enrolment for students for 2016/17 for Blakestown Community School takes place on September 22nd from 7 – 9 p.m. If you wish to send your child to any other secondary school, please make contact with that school regarding registration.
These clubs will resume next week. Unfortunately, funding restrictions have impacted on the numbers we can include in these clubs. Your child may have been involved previously but may not now be offered a place this year. These clubs are services provided by St. Philip’s in collaboration with the Educational Opportunities Programme (EOP), which is funded by Tusla. Parents are reminded not to send children to the breakfast club before 8.30 a.m.
If you would like your child to take part in the pupil insurance scheme, please fill out the form sent to you last week and return it, with €9, before Tuesday, Sept 29th.
Please remember that children under the age of 13 years should not have a Facebook account. Unfortunately there have been a couple of incidents over the past years involving comments on Facebook about pupils which have necessitated action by the school and have taken up valuable learning time to investigate.
Swimming lessons for pupils in 5th class will begin on Tuesday, September 22nd in Coolmine swimming pool and will continue for 9 weeks. 3rd class swimming lessons will begin after Christmas.
This year the school is aiming to win the Digital School of Excellence Award. Further details to follow.
A meeting of the association will take place on Friday, September 25th at 9 a.m. in the Parents’ Room. All welcome.
If you wish to speak to your child’s class teacher/learning support teacher, please make an appointment in advance so this can be organised.
Appointments can be made to see the Principal on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 11.15 a.m. and 12.15 p.m. Contact the office to arrange this.
As requested by the Department of Education & Skills, I wish to inform you that this year we will continue to focus on our three year Literacy Plan, with priority being placed on oral language, particularly auditory memory and extending vocabulary.
Last year was the first year of our three year Numeracy Plan. The targeted area was fractions.
Our third area for the school improvement plan this year will be Attendance.
Thank you,
P. Dargan (Principal)