What is the Active School Flag ?
This year we are hoping to renew our Active School Flag. We will try and become more active as a school and a community.
he Department of Education and Skills wishes to recognise schools that strive to achieve a physical educated and physically active school community by awarding them the Active School Flag (ASF). The initiative is open to primary and post primary schools, special schools and Youthreach centres to apply.
The Active School Flag will be awarded to schools that:
* Adhere to DES guidelines regarding PE timetable provision for all students
*Teach a broad and balanced PE curriculum
*Inform and invite the whole school community to participate in the ASF process
*Self-evaluate current provision in terms of PE, Physical Activity and Partnerships
* Plan, implement and monitor improvements for each of the aforementioned areas
* Organise an ‘Active School Week’ as part of the annual school calendar
Schools should work to their own time frame in order to implement changes that will have real and tangible benefits. The ASF is a whole school process and schools are encouraged to look towards parents, the local community and outside agencies (HSE, LSPs, NGBs, PDST) for their support.
The Active School Flag is funded by the Teach er Education Section of the Department of Education and Skills and based in Mayo Education Centre. Once awarded the ASF remains valid for a period of 3 years.
To learn more about the Active School Flag click on the link below: